Monday, February 26, 2024

Update Katharine Necropsy-Discussed with Pathology; Doing Tox Screen

I talked to the pathologist who did Katharine’s necropsy. There’s no one specific thing that happened that led to her death. Except her pancreas wasn’t doing well. Two weeks before everything seemed OK and stable. There are a lot of things we cannot see with ultrasound, x-rays or bloodwork. You can only see them once there’s a necropsy, and you see them under the microscope. The same thing with her heart. She had lesions in her heart, the myocardial fibers disarray that they described in the necropsy means that she had lesions. This disrupts the heart’s signaling that helps it beat properly. The heart got worse with the stress from whatever was going on with her liver and pancreas that led to her death. And what happened to the heart probably created the clots that they found in the vessels of her lungs. So she died of liver and pancreas failing that upset the heart that led to clots in the lungs that meant she couldn’t properly breathe. It was a cascading effect. But what caused it initially maybe the pancreas. Which means that no matter what you do to protect them, if the pancreas gets upset, it will lead to a cat’s death. We saw this with Baby.
There is no reason that they found in the brain for the neurological issues that she had. I can only describe it as if she had Parkinson’s disease. She had this odd twitching that was going on in her face for the last couple of months and her front right leg would shake or vibrate, depending on how she was sitting or sleeping.
They are doing a tox screen. That will take two weeks. 

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