Sunday, July 19, 2015

Myrna Continues to Show Positive Results with Extra Sodium and Sucralfate

Myrna continues to do well. She drank more water Saturday than today so we've given water by mouth. She is drinking enough on her own but not as much as usual so her output isn't as active today as it was Saturday. She ate all day Saturday and today both wet food and dry. We still are not giving Mirtazapine, Cerenia, or Cypro for now since they seemed to have had no positive effect this past week. I think her heart meds were preventing proper absorption of sucralfate (for her stomach ulcer) because when I gave it with or close to her 6 a.m. meds, it had no effect. But since Friday, we've given it at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. in between meds and we have seen positive results of soft, brown stool instead of black watery stool. Eating will help get more sodium into her body (since she was below normal). Sucralfate may help decrease diarrhea which will decrease the loss of sodium. Thursday's blood work showed that all other electrolytes were normal. We will continue with potassium supplementation with both tablets and some Renal K powder and gel but for now, there's no need to continuously push extra potassium since her blood value was higher than normal.

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