Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cat With a Fever

One of our other cats, Katharine Hepburn, hasn't been eating well and we were afraid that she had swallowed another hairband, one that got away from me and promptly disappeared.  She hasn't been eating well since Sunday a.m. I took her to the vet today and she has a fever of 103.9.  They gave antibiotics, appetite stimulant, sub q fluids; took urine and blood tests. Will know more tomorrow.  But soon after we got home, she wanted to eat, and eat, and eat again.  I've been feeding her since 3:30 in small amounts after the initial late lunch.  She finally settled down for a while around 6 p.m.  

Myrna also went to the vet today for her annual checkup and shots. They also did bloodwork and urine test and we'll know more tomorrow.  She goes Friday to see her cardiologist for the first time since March.  She seems to be doing well.  It's been difficult keeping her cool enough this last week with the high temps and the horrible heat in Michigan.  Our window AC doesn't want to produce as much cooling as it did so we've run fans in the rooms (not in the windows as only heat was blowing in.)  I'm glad for the break but at some point we need to fix the AC just as temps are beginning to rise again.

Katharine is in the window, looking at me from upside down position. Elizabeth Taylor is on the level below.
Maybe I'll spend my days driving with her in the car with the AC on or just sitting in the car in the driveway while it runs the AC. 

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