Friday, June 8, 2012

Use Medical Terminology Effectively

I've posted previously (Friday, December 10, 2010)  about the benefits of using and understanding medical tests and medical terminology.  I have experience using medical terminology even though I'm not a medical professional.  I learned much from being exposed to terminology when I worked on a medical project at the University of Michigan Hospital.  I also have had a lot of exposure due to Myrna's HCM condition.  I find it best to use medical terminology that I understand when discussing issues with doctors-my doctors and the vets.  It seems to help doctors relax, maybe because it gives them a sense that you're on the same page and there's a better connection between you because you speak their language, you potentially will understand things better.  Not sure. But I used the terminology when at MSU yesterday with Cooper.  For example, I used TID for three times a day; QD for once a day.  I noted that he'd been NPO (no food) since 9 p.m.  I spoke about relationships between values-for example, citing BUN and creatinine as kidney values.

When talking to vets, understand CBC/chem values and their relationships-no one value stands alone or means one thing.  They are all interconnected.  Understand what is sub q, and TID or QD or q or prn.  There is much to know when one has a cat with an illness.  The more we understand what the vet is saying or what is needed for our pet (or ourselves) the better we will be at communicating with the doctors.

This is one of many online links to understanding CBC/chem values.

This is a link to understanding Latin medical notations such as QID.

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